The Idea Behind Reboard

Week 0August 10, 2024

Hello There! Welcome to the Beginnings of Reboard

My name is Aurélien, and I'm a first-time entrepreneur. I have zero work experience, zero contacts, just an idea, and a burning desire to make it happen.

With Reboard, we aim to create a world where real estate professionals can focus solely on what they love and do best—delivering value with a smile.

Our vision for Reboard is to become the go-to software platform for real estate professionals. On this platform, they will find a variety of apps designed to enhance different aspects of their work.

But we don't want to stop there. Real estate can be a ruthless business, which is why we want to build a community around our users, allowing them to share their experiences and help each other grow.

This won't be easy, and it won't be fast, but let's see how far we can go on this journey and where it will take us.

To end this post with a cheesy quote:

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."